oAuth2 with Akka HTTP

This is a basic example how to implement oAuth2 using Akka HTTP and Scala. It provides three endpoints. From the clients point of view: / — publicly accessible, returns “Welcome!”, /auth — provide your username and password, receive an access_token in return, /api — secured by oAuth, send the access_token in a header to gain access. From the server’s point of view: / — publicly accessible, do nothing, /auth — receive basic auth credentials, verify they’re in the list of known credentials, create an access_token, return it, /api — receive authorization header, check if access_token is in list of valid tokens. Since oAuth tokens are short lived, the server also has to invalidate expired tokens. ...

October 28, 2018 · Jannik Arndt

Akka HTTP on Heroku

Getting a Akka HTTP-based backend up and running on Heroku for free can be done in less then 30 minutes — if you know the tricks. ...

October 27, 2018 · Jannik Arndt