TL;DR: You don’t. We eventually gave up on it.

My personal lessons-learned:

  • Pentaho Kettle (or “Community Edition”, CE, i.e. the open-source core) is a great product for one-time data transfer or on-demand data transfer, but not for resilient, scheduled jobs.
  • The “Enterprise Edition” (EE) adds scheduling that doesn’t work reliably, and a very powerless server.
  • Kerberos is a bitch.

The requirements

We were looking for a system to write, deploy and schedule ETL jobs. Since we actually want to move the data, the en-vogue trend of NoETL and queries on source systems doesn’t work for us. After giving up on talend, Pentaho made it quite easy to write the kind of jobs we need. However, making sure these jobs can be deployed to a server and reliably run there turn out as almost impossible.

What I want:

  • Deployment in one click (in 2017, Jenkins is nothing new!)
  • Deployment on three development environments (dev, test, prod)
  • Configuration of different schedules for each environment
  • Version control (being able to answer “who changed what when?”)

Solution #1: Export and Import via GUI

I was surprised that the official recommendation is exporting and importing the complete repository.


  • You cannot deploy single jobs
  • Every user needs to have access to production (no-go!)
  • Nothing tracks what actually changed
  • This needs way more than one click
  • The export does not contain schedules

Solution #2: Export and Import via Shell Script

The page also suggest using shell access. This sounds a lot closer to a one-click-solution. You need to have both repositories configured in your application. These settings are stored in ~~/.kettle/repositories.xml and matched by name:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <description>Pentaho repository</description>

With this configuration, you can export and import repositories via and


  -rep="Pentaho Repository" 
  -comment="New Version" 

Tip: The directory name is always in lower case, independent of what the web UI shows you.


  • You cannot deploy single jobs
  • Every user needs to have access to production (no-go!)
  • Nothing tracks what actually changed
  • This needs way more than one click
  • The export does not contain schedules

Is that all? No. If you take a look at you’ll find, what it really does:

"$DIR/" -main org.pentaho.di.pan.Pan -initialDir "$INITIALDIR/" "$@"

The same for

"$DIR/" -main org.pentaho.di.imp.Import "$@"

Deployment suddenly means starting the complete Pentaho Suite — twice!

Solution #3: Export and Import via REST

Baffled with why I’m not happy with manually ex- and importing, my contact at Pentaho suggested the REST API. If you’re still unsure if cyclic dependencies are a bad thing, try reading the API Documentation. And if you need to convince someone that generated documentation might be a bad idea, show him this overview. Spoiler: both fail to mention the actual address of the endpoint, which is http://localhost:8080/pentaho/api/repo/.... Luckily, there are people writing useful blog entries. And if you need a tool for trial-and-error, I recommend Insomnia. Spending a lot of nerves, I crafted this beauty:



echo "\033[1mDeploying from ${source_url} to ${target_url} \033[0m"
echo "\033[0;32mExporting backup…\033[0m"

# password encrypted via
curl -H "Authorization: Basic EncryptedPassword" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -i ${source_url}api/repo/files/backup -o

echo "\033[0;32mUnzipping backup…\033[0m"
unzip -o -q

echo "\033[0;32mDeleting zip-file…\033[0m"

echo "\033[0;32mDeleting home-folder…\033[0m"
rm -r home/

# delete everything you don't want to deploy

# add, commit and push to a git here

echo "\033[0;32mCreating new zip-file for deployment…\033[0m"
zip -r -q '_datasources/' 'etc/' 'exportManifest.xml' 'metastore.mzip' 'public/'

echo "\033[0;32mDeploying...\033[0m"
curl -H "Authorization: Basic EncryptedPassword" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "overwrite: true" -F "" -i ${target_url}api/repo/files/systemRestore

echo "\033[0;32mCleaning up…\033[0m"

Let’s look at our problem-list:

  • You cannot deploy single jobs - but single directories!
  • Every user needs to have access to production (no-go!) (this can be run on a server)
  • Nothing tracks what actually changed (you can automatically commit the xml file, the backup contains one for each job/transaction)
  • This needs way more than one click
  • The export does not contain schedules
  • Pentaho Suite is started twice and takes minutes (this accesses the repository server directly)

Okay, so this sounds pretty good! What’s the problem? It doesn’t work. The systemRestore endpoint happily takes all your data, answers 200: OK and does nothing. I was told, a ticket would be raised, but so far I haven’t seen any of it and the implementation also hasn’t changed.