Since I bought my personal domain name around 2003, I went through several web-solutions, using static html pages, php pages, a custom designed php cms, finally Wordpress and now, as of yesterday, I am back to static html. The 2016-flavour however, which is another attempt of separation of presentation and content (a concept I highly endorse as a LaTeX user).

My main reason was though, that I was spending more time updating Wordpress, its plugins and themes than acutal content.

Since quite a lot of research, trial-and-error and configuration have lead to the current model, in this post I will share the details with anyone willing to upgrade her website to a 2016-system (with only one and a half months left).

From plain text to html

The basis is a bunch of markdown-files, go-templates and the hugo-templating engine. I have tried and failed hugo before, in October, because there was no easy way to debug anything, and my preferred way of learning is through debugging, as opposed to reading the docs. My inability to take any given template as it is makes it worse.

This time however I found a template I was quite pleased with. The starting point is the following directory-structure:

├─ content (empty)
├─ public (where the results are generated into)
├─ static 
|  ├─ favicons (for iOS, Android and MS)
|  ├─ img 
|  |  └─ header.jpg
|  └─ favicon.ico
├─ themes
|  └─ hugo-creative-theme (git clone
|     ├─ layouts (where to go-magic happens)
|     |  ├─ partials (layout of individual sections)
|     |  |  └─ ...
|     |  └─ index.html (coarse structure)
|     └─ static (for css, js, etc)
└─ config.toml (acutal content)

I fought long and hard to press my content into to config.toml, I’ll spare you the details and refere to the actual file. What I really like is being able to create a custom structure for each content element, for example a software reference consist of

    icon = ""
    title = "Canal"
    description = "A free and open-source COBOL editor and analysis tool"
    link = ""

whereas a publication looks like this:

    text = "Jannik Arndt: “Musicista — A Framework for Computational Musicology”. Masterarbeit, 2014."
    link = ""

All software entries are displayed via the following template

<div class="row">
    {{ range }}
    <a href="{{ .link }}" target="_blank">
        <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 text-center">
            <div class="service-box">
                <img src="{{ .icon }}" width="50%" />
                <h3>{{ .title }}</h3>
                {{ with .description }}
                    <p class="text-muted">{{ . }}</p>
                {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

while publications use

<div class="row">
    {{ range .Site.Params.publications.years }}
    <div class="col-lg-10">
    <h2>{{ .year }}</h2>
        {{ range .entry }}
                <p class="text-muted">
                    {{ .text | markdownify  }}
                    {{ if .link }}
                        <a href="{{ .link }}"><i class="fa fa-external-link"></i></a>
                    {{ end }}
        {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

The hugo-engine itselft supports my trial-and-error-approach wonderfully by offering the hugo serve command, which creates a webserver and updates the generated pages instantly if anything changes.

Deployment (1)

I have gathered a little experience with hugo deployment on github pages while working on NiceToKnowIT, and there is also an extensive guide on the hugo site. The problem is

  1. github pages requires the content at the root of a repository
  2. hugo creates the content into the public folder
  3. both are non-negotiable

The workaround is to “embed” the gh-pages repository (or branch) in the public folder of the source repository. Apparently there are two ways to do this, submodule and subtree. I went ahead and chose the wrong way (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I read none of those, but I now know how to use the --force): submodule. The steps are easy:

  • delete public folder
  • `git submodule add -b master public``
  • add, commit, push
  • cd into public
  • add, commit, push
  • if it worked: never touch a running system. else: use the --force.

subtree is on my todo list, promise.

If everything worked you now have

  • a repository with two branches:
    • source for the complete thing
    • master for the generated website (master for the account-pages, gh-pages for repository pages)
  • a website at

Deployment (2)

The next step is to combine the website with my url. My first approach was RedirectMatch in the .htaccess file:

RedirectMatch 301 ^/$

The idea: I still want to access the old wordpress and a file static files such as papers. The problem: This matches but not Yep. The slash does make a difference.

While experimenting with my .htaccess file I also developed an aversion against paying for a domain and then only redirecting it. But, as the professional programmer™ I am I really don’t want redundancy, except if automatically generated from a single source. So I decided to dive into uncharted waters and set up a deployment service. (I know, as opposed to starting an FTP client…)

Github offers several integrations, one of which is DeployHQ. They offer 10 builds a day for free, which, for now, should suffice, a very clean and easy-to-use website and a hook, which triggers deployment after every push.

Marvellous! Now I can leave a new version of my website with a single blog entry to rot until the next big thing (IoT + machine learning = personal website?) comes along.